My Blog Spot
Senin, 19 Oktober 2015
Rabu, 01 Juli 2015
Problem comes up out of nowhere. I think it likes surprising people in this world. Maybe it wants to make people happy but it turns out the opposite. They are sad. I do not know what will happen when problem finds someone who is happy to meet with it. Maybe it will leave that person cheerfully and it will grow bigger and bigger when it visits him again because it is happy meeting with that certain happy someone. And when it just meet with people who is sad because of meeting with it, I think, it will accompany them in their sadness, faithfully, and it will not grow bigger even an inch.
So, what will u choose guys? be happy or sad? The answer is all in your mind and heart. Answer it wisely.
So, what will u choose guys? be happy or sad? The answer is all in your mind and heart. Answer it wisely.
Selasa, 22 April 2014
Eyebrow Embroidery or Sulam Alis di Purwokerto
Haduhhh sudah buru-buru mau ke kantor tapi ribet nggambar alis? Salah-salah juga bisa jadi Sinchan malah, hahahaha...!
Sudah tidak usah repot-repot lagi para wanita cantik. Lebih baik Anda mencoba eyebrow embroidery alias sulam alis. Ini adalah metode terbaru bagi Anda sekalian wanita cantik yang ingin mempercantik alisnya dengan cara yang mudah, cepat bahkan tidak sakit.
Embroidery eyebrow (sulam alis) berasal dari Kanada dan kemudian menjalar ke berbagai belahan dunia bahkan Indonesia karena sangat praktis bagi wanita. Sulam alis tidak seperti tato alis yang tidak kelihatan bulu alisnya lagi. Dengan sulam alis, alis Anda akan seperti alis asli Anda. Dengan begitu Anda akan mendapatkan bentuk alis idaman Anda dan tidak usah repot-repot lagi menggambar alis Anda dengan pensil alis biasa. Sulam alis ini menggunakan alat yang didesain khusus dari Kanada untuk menggambar serta menambahkan pigmen warna yang sama dengan warna asli alis ke dalam alis Anda. Alat serta pigmen warnanya sudah di uji coba di Kanada dan dijamin aman untuk kulit.
Bagi Anda yang mempunyai bentuk alis yang tidak sama, ini bisa menjadi solusi bagi Anda agar tidak minder lagi. Bagi yang sudah memiliki bentuk alis sempurna, Anda bisa mencoba sulam alis ini agar tidak perlu repot lagi menggambar alis Anda.
Prosedur sulam alis ini sangat mudah. Pertama alis anda akan di anestesi atau dibius lokal terlebih dahulu hanya dengan mengoleskan cream anestesi pada alis(jadi tanpa suntik, tidak sakit pastinya). Setelah biusnya bekerja, alis anda akan digambar lalu mulailah ditambahkan pigmen warna dengan menggunakan alat khusus dari Kanada. Anda tidak akan merasa sakit dan TENGGGTRENGG Anda sudah mendapatkan alis idaman Anda. Cepat, mudah, murah, tdak sakit pula. Sulam alis ini akan bertahan kurang lebih 1 sampai 2 tahun. Sulam alis tidak permanen seperti tato alis karena menggunakan pigmen pewarna yang aman bagi kulit. Jadi Anda tidak perlu bingung-bingung lagi, jadikan sulam alis sebagai solusi alis cantik Anda.
Bagi Anda yang berdomisili di Purwokerto tidak usah pusing-pusing mencari di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan perawatan Sulam Alis ini tinggal ke Salon Iwan di JL. Jenderal Sudirman, Kios PJKA Blok A No. 11, 53116, 53116 Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah (di perempatan palma, dekat BCA, toko Mitra, dan Paparon's). Di sana Anda bisa mendapatkan hasil maksimal dengan harga terjangkau mulai dari 500ribu rupiah. O iya, ada juga loh sulam bibirnya supaya bibir kita bisa berwarna merah tanpa lipstik.

Ini salah satu hasilnya, cantik pastinya. :)
Ini mapnya
Sudah tidak usah repot-repot lagi para wanita cantik. Lebih baik Anda mencoba eyebrow embroidery alias sulam alis. Ini adalah metode terbaru bagi Anda sekalian wanita cantik yang ingin mempercantik alisnya dengan cara yang mudah, cepat bahkan tidak sakit.
Embroidery eyebrow (sulam alis) berasal dari Kanada dan kemudian menjalar ke berbagai belahan dunia bahkan Indonesia karena sangat praktis bagi wanita. Sulam alis tidak seperti tato alis yang tidak kelihatan bulu alisnya lagi. Dengan sulam alis, alis Anda akan seperti alis asli Anda. Dengan begitu Anda akan mendapatkan bentuk alis idaman Anda dan tidak usah repot-repot lagi menggambar alis Anda dengan pensil alis biasa. Sulam alis ini menggunakan alat yang didesain khusus dari Kanada untuk menggambar serta menambahkan pigmen warna yang sama dengan warna asli alis ke dalam alis Anda. Alat serta pigmen warnanya sudah di uji coba di Kanada dan dijamin aman untuk kulit.
Bagi Anda yang mempunyai bentuk alis yang tidak sama, ini bisa menjadi solusi bagi Anda agar tidak minder lagi. Bagi yang sudah memiliki bentuk alis sempurna, Anda bisa mencoba sulam alis ini agar tidak perlu repot lagi menggambar alis Anda.
Prosedur sulam alis ini sangat mudah. Pertama alis anda akan di anestesi atau dibius lokal terlebih dahulu hanya dengan mengoleskan cream anestesi pada alis(jadi tanpa suntik, tidak sakit pastinya). Setelah biusnya bekerja, alis anda akan digambar lalu mulailah ditambahkan pigmen warna dengan menggunakan alat khusus dari Kanada. Anda tidak akan merasa sakit dan TENGGGTRENGG Anda sudah mendapatkan alis idaman Anda. Cepat, mudah, murah, tdak sakit pula. Sulam alis ini akan bertahan kurang lebih 1 sampai 2 tahun. Sulam alis tidak permanen seperti tato alis karena menggunakan pigmen pewarna yang aman bagi kulit. Jadi Anda tidak perlu bingung-bingung lagi, jadikan sulam alis sebagai solusi alis cantik Anda.
Bagi Anda yang berdomisili di Purwokerto tidak usah pusing-pusing mencari di mana Anda bisa mendapatkan perawatan Sulam Alis ini tinggal ke Salon Iwan di JL. Jenderal Sudirman, Kios PJKA Blok A No. 11, 53116, 53116 Purwokerto, Jawa Tengah (di perempatan palma, dekat BCA, toko Mitra, dan Paparon's). Di sana Anda bisa mendapatkan hasil maksimal dengan harga terjangkau mulai dari 500ribu rupiah. O iya, ada juga loh sulam bibirnya supaya bibir kita bisa berwarna merah tanpa lipstik.

Ini salah satu hasilnya, cantik pastinya. :)
Ini mapnya
Rabu, 26 Februari 2014
Lesson Plan (blog activity)
Lesson Plan (LP)
Unit Education : SMAN 1 Purwokerto
Subject : English Language
Class/Semester : X/1
Meeting : 9th
Time allotment : 2x45 minutes
Place : Computer Laboratory (40 computers with 1,2 Mbps internet speed)
Place : Computer Laboratory (40 computers with 1,2 Mbps internet speed)
I. Standard Competency
9. Speaking
Express meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation in real life situation.
II. Based Competency
Express meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation formal
and informal accurately , frequently and acceptable by using simple
spoken language in real life situation and involved: inviting/offering, accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
III. Indicator
1. Cognitive
a. Process : -Identify vocabulary which is used in expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Product :-Use right vocabulary to accept allurement/offering/invitation.
-Make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
-Post the dialogues in the blogs.
-Give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
-Make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
-Post the dialogues in the blogs.
-Give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
2. Psychomotor
Play the dialogue with expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
3. Affective
a. Character:-Be creative in making dialogue with using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Social skill:-Be polite in interacting by using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Social skill:-Be polite in interacting by using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
IV. Teaching Objectives
1. Cognitive:
a. Reading material in the blog , students are able to identify the vocabulary about accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Reading material in the blog, students are able to use the vocabulary about accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
c. Students are able to make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
d. Students are able to post the dialogues in the blogs.
e. Students are able to give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
c. Students are able to make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
d. Students are able to post the dialogues in the blogs.
e. Students are able to give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
2. Psychomotor
the option of situations, students could act the dialogue by using the
right vocabulary in expression of accepting
3. Affective
Acting the dialogue, students be more creative in making dialogue with
expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Acting the dialogue, students be polite in interacting by using the expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
V. Teaching Material
(Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective)
Expressions of accepting invitation (attachment)
-Developing English Competencies for Senior High School Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
-Developing English Competencies for Senior High School Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
VI. Teaching Method:
-PAIKEM (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Interesting Learning)
-Inquiry (students are motivated to be more active in thinking and solving problems by themselves)
-Communicative language teaching
(students are expected to be active in using the language in order to learn it)
(students are expected to be active in using the language in order to learn it)
-Role play (the students act dialogues consist of expression of accepting invitation)
VII. Teaching Steps
Time allotment
-Teacher greets the students, and then the students reply.
-Review the previous lesson.
-Students are told about the topic and the objectives for today material by teacher.
-The students are motivated by the teacher.
Whilst activity
-The students are asked to share their experiences that relate to the accepting invitation.
-The students are asked to open the teacher's blog individually by using computers in the computer laboratory.
-The students read the dialogues about expression of accepting invitation on the blog individually. -The students identify theexpression of accepting invitation on the blog individually.
students are given situation of accepting invitation, and then they
should create dialogues based on the situation in pairs.
-The students are asked to post the dialogues on their own blogs.
-The students are given the criteria of good comments. -The students are asked to give comments on friends' blogs about the dialogues.
students ask the teacher about what they do not still understand, and
then the teacher help the students to find the answer.
| |
-Students are asked to make conclusion.
-The students are asked to make videos in CDs when they act out the dialogues that they have made.
- Teacher dismisses the class.
VIII. Media/Sources
-Handout on blog
IX. Scoring
Scoring Sheet for Personal
The pronunciation is clearly intelligible. Make few mispronunciations of some words (not more than 10 words).
The pronunciation is intelligible. Make several mispronunciation of some words (11 – 15 words)
pronunciation is quite intelligible, can be heard slightly from the
back of the class. Make quite a lot mispronunciation of some words (16 –
20 words)
The pronunciation is not intelligible, cannot be heard from the back of the class. Make many mispronunciation of some words (> 21 words)
Very appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Less appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Does not appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Contains the right expressions of accepting invitation based on the given situation.
Contains the right expressions of accepting invitation based on the given situation. Only makes 1 wrong expression.
Contains the right expressions of accepting invitation based on the given situation. Makes 2-3 wrong expressions.
Not based on the given situation.
| ||||
Total Score
Excellent: 13-15 Good: 10-12 Fair: 5-9
Poor: ≤ 8
I'd Love to!
Informal situation
Accepting an Invitation
Declining an Invitation
· Why don't you come to ....
· Like to come to ....
· Come and ....
· Shall we come to ....
· You must come to ....
· I would/will ....
· That would be very nice.
· OK!
· All right (then).
· That sounds great
· I’d like to
· I’d love to
· I'm very sorry, I don't
think I can.
· I'd like to, but ....
· I'm afraid I've
already promised ....
· Thank you for asking
me, but ....
· Unfortunately, I can't
Formal situation
Accepting an Invitation
Declining an Invitation
· Would you like to ....
· I'd very much like
you to ....
· We should be
pleased/delighted if
you could ....
· Would you care to ....
· You will ... won't you?
· That's very kind of you.
· We'd very much like
to ....
· What a delightful idea.
· With the greatest
· Thank you very much
for inviting me.
· Sorry, I can't.
· I'd love to, but ....
· I don't think I can.
· I wish I could, but ....
Source: Developing English Competencies for Senior High school Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
Look at these examples. Identify the expression.
Dialogue 1
Mrs Swan is invited by Bella to come to her sister’s wedding
Bella :Good morning, Mrs Swan would you like to come to my sister’s wedding?
Mrs Swan :Thank you very much for inviting me. When will the party start?
Bella : at .3.00 p.m in Hilton Hotel.
Bella : at .3.00 p.m in Hilton Hotel.
Mrs Swan : OK! See you in the party!
Dialogue 2
Arief and Rita are fond of literature. They enjoy reading stories, novels, and watching drama.
On the way home,Arief and Rita have a chat.
Arief : Do you have a plan for tomorrow holiday?
Rita : Too bad. I have nothing to do.
Arief : I've got a plan for tomorrow. You must come to my house!
Rita : Really? Tell me, please. Then, I'll decide to come or not.
Arief : I've got a new interesting novel and VCD of a drama performance.
Rita : Wow, great. What are they about? Are they interesting?
Arief : If I tell you now, it won't surprise you. Now, decide. Like to come to my house
to enjoy them?
Rita : I'd love to. I'll be at your house at 8.00 in the morning.
Source: Developing English Competencies for Senior High school Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
The Situations
You should invite your headmaster to come to your graduation party. You
decide where and when the graduation party will be held.
You are a headmaster. You accept the invitation from a student to the
graduation party. You should ask when and where the graduation party
will be held.
a. You should invite your classmate to your birthday party. You decide where and when the birthday party will be held.
You are a classmate. You can only accept birthday party invitation. You
should ask when and where the graduation party will be held.
You are a boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You should invite your
girlfriend/boyfriend to go to the movie. You decide where and when you
will watch movie.
b. You are a
boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You can only accept invitation of
going to the movie. You cannot accept other invitation. You should ask
where and when you will watch movie.
You are a teacher. You invite your student to come to a meeting. You
decide what kind of meeting, when and where the meeting will be held.
You are a student. You can only accept an invitation to a meeting from
your teacher. You should ask what kind of meeting, when and where the
meeting will be held.
You are a boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You should invite your
girlfriend/boyfriend to have dinner at your house with your family. You
decide when you will have the dinner.
You are boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You can only accept invitation
from your girlfriend/boyfriend to have dinner at her/his house with
her/his family. You ask when you will have the dinner.
a. You are a grandmother/grandfather. You invite your grandchild to come to your 50th wedding anniversary party. You decide when and where the wedding anniversary party will be held.
b. You are a grandchild. You can only accept invitation from your grandmother/grandfather to go to her/his 50th wedding
anniversary party. You cannot accept other invitation except that. You
ask when and where the wedding anniversary party will be held.
Purwokerto, 21-05-2013
Bambang Priska K.
Rabu, 19 Februari 2014
A Wiki: Learn English Cyber
I've set up Wiki on Learn English Cyber
This is a wiki for those interested in learning English through cyber world.
On this wiki, there are theories and also exercises so that the students can open this wiki to learn and to do the exercises. They can also post their work there so that I can give them score by this wiki.
That's the plan :)
This is a wiki for those interested in learning English through cyber world.
On this wiki, there are theories and also exercises so that the students can open this wiki to learn and to do the exercises. They can also post their work there so that I can give them score by this wiki.
That's the plan :)
Selasa, 18 Februari 2014
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan (LP)
Unit Education : SMAN 1 Purwokerto
Subject : English Language
Class/Semester : X/1
Meeting : 9th
Time allotment : 2x45 minutes
Place : Computer Laboratory (40 computers with 1,2 Mbps internet speed)
Place : Computer Laboratory (40 computers with 1,2 Mbps internet speed)
I. Standard Competency
9. Speaking
Express meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation in real life situation.
II. Based Competency
Express meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation formal
and informal accurately , frequently and acceptable by using simple
spoken language in real life situation and involved: inviting/offering, accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
III. Indicator
1. Cognitive
a. Process : -Identify vocabulary which is used in expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Product :-Use right vocabulary to accept allurement/offering/invitation.
-Make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
-Post the dialogues in the blogs.
-Give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
-Make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
-Post the dialogues in the blogs.
-Give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
2. Psychomotor
Play the dialogue with expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
3. Affective
a. Character:-Be creative in making dialogue with using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Social skill:-Be polite in interacting by using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Social skill:-Be polite in interacting by using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
IV. Teaching Objectives
1. Cognitive:
a. Reading material in the blog , students are able to identify the vocabulary about accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Reading material in the blog, students are able to use the vocabulary about accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
c. Students are able to make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
d. Students are able to post the dialogues in the blogs.
e. Students are able to give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
c. Students are able to make dialogues using expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
d. Students are able to post the dialogues in the blogs.
e. Students are able to give comments on other students' blogs about the dialogues.
2. Psychomotor
the option of situations, students could act the dialogue by using the
right vocabulary in expression of accepting
3. Affective
Acting the dialogue, students be more creative in making dialogue with
expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
b. Acting the dialogue, students be polite in interacting by using the expression of accepting allurement/offering/invitation.
V. Teaching Material
(Cognitive, Psychomotor, Affective)
Expressions of accepting invitation (attachment)
-Developing English Competencies for Senior High School Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
-Developing English Competencies for Senior High School Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
VI. Teaching Method:
-PAIKEM (Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Interesting Learning)
-Inquiry (students are motivated to be more active in thinking and solving problems by themselves)
-Communicative language teaching
(students are expected to be active in using the language in order to learn it)
(students are expected to be active in using the language in order to learn it)
-Role play (the students act dialogues consist of expression of accepting invitation)
VII. Teaching Steps
Time allotment
-Teacher greets the students, and then the students reply.
-Review the previous lesson.
-Students are told about the topic and the objectives for today material by teacher.
-The students are motivated by the teacher.
Whilst activity
-The students are asked to share their experiences that relate to the accepting invitation.
-The students are asked to open the teacher's blog individually by using computers in the computer laboratory.
-The students read the dialogues about expression of accepting invitation on the blog individually. -The students identify theexpression of accepting invitation on the blog individually.
students are given situation of accepting invitation, and then they
should create dialogues based on the situation in pairs.
-The students are asked to post the dialogues on their own blogs.
-The students are given the criteria of good comments. -The students are asked to give comments on friends' blogs about the dialogues.
students ask the teacher about what they do not still understand, and
then the teacher help the students to find the answer.
| |
-Students are asked to make conclusion.
-The students are asked to make videos in CDs when they act out the dialogues that they have made.
- Teacher dismisses the class.
VIII. Media/Sources
-Handout on blog
IX. Scoring
Scoring Sheet for Personal
The pronunciation is clearly intelligible. Make few mispronunciations of some words (not more than 10 words).
The pronunciation is intelligible. Make several mispronunciation of some words (11 – 15 words)
pronunciation is quite intelligible, can be heard slightly from the
back of the class. Make quite a lot mispronunciation of some words (16 –
20 words)
The pronunciation is not intelligible, cannot be heard from the back of the class. Make many mispronunciation of some words (> 21 words)
Very appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Less appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Does not appropriately maintain speed, voice quality, voice expression and intonation.
Contains the right expressions of accepting invitation based on the given situation.
Contains the right expressions of accepting invitation based on the given situation. Only makes 1 wrong expression.
Contains the right expressions of accepting invitation based on the given situation. Makes 2-3 wrong expressions.
Not based on the given situation.
| ||||
Total Score
Excellent: 13-15 Good: 10-12 Fair: 5-9
Poor: ≤ 8
I'd Love to!
Informal situation
Accepting an Invitation
Declining an Invitation
· Why don't you come to ....
· Like to come to ....
· Come and ....
· Shall we come to ....
· You must come to ....
· I would/will ....
· That would be very nice.
· OK!
· All right (then).
· That sounds great
· I’d like to
· I’d love to
· I'm very sorry, I don't
think I can.
· I'd like to, but ....
· I'm afraid I've
already promised ....
· Thank you for asking
me, but ....
· Unfortunately, I can't
Formal situation
Accepting an Invitation
Declining an Invitation
· Would you like to ....
· I'd very much like
you to ....
· We should be
pleased/delighted if
you could ....
· Would you care to ....
· You will ... won't you?
· That's very kind of you.
· We'd very much like
to ....
· What a delightful idea.
· With the greatest
· Thank you very much
for inviting me.
· Sorry, I can't.
· I'd love to, but ....
· I don't think I can.
· I wish I could, but ....
Source: Developing English Competencies for Senior High school Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
Look at these examples. Identify the expression.
Dialogue 1
Mrs Swan is invited by Bella to come to her sister’s wedding
Bella :Good morning, Mrs Swan would you like to come to my sister’s wedding?
Mrs Swan :Thank you very much for inviting me. When will the party start?
Bella : at .3.00 p.m in Hilton Hotel.
Bella : at .3.00 p.m in Hilton Hotel.
Mrs Swan : OK! See you in the party!
Dialogue 2
Arief and Rita are fond of literature. They enjoy reading stories, novels, and watching drama.
On the way home,Arief and Rita have a chat.
Arief : Do you have a plan for tomorrow holiday?
Rita : Too bad. I have nothing to do.
Arief : I've got a plan for tomorrow. You must come to my house!
Rita : Really? Tell me, please. Then, I'll decide to come or not.
Arief : I've got a new interesting novel and VCD of a drama performance.
Rita : Wow, great. What are they about? Are they interesting?
Arief : If I tell you now, it won't surprise you. Now, decide. Like to come to my house
to enjoy them?
Rita : I'd love to. I'll be at your house at 8.00 in the morning.
Source: Developing English Competencies for Senior High school Grade X and Serious English for Serious Students.
The Situations
You should invite your headmaster to come to your graduation party. You
decide where and when the graduation party will be held.
You are a headmaster. You accept the invitation from a student to the
graduation party. You should ask when and where the graduation party
will be held.
a. You should invite your classmate to your birthday party. You decide where and when the birthday party will be held.
You are a classmate. You can only accept birthday party invitation. You
should ask when and where the graduation party will be held.
You are a boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You should invite your
girlfriend/boyfriend to go to the movie. You decide where and when you
will watch movie.
b. You are a
boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You can only accept invitation of
going to the movie. You cannot accept other invitation. You should ask
where and when you will watch movie.
You are a teacher. You invite your student to come to a meeting. You
decide what kind of meeting, when and where the meeting will be held.
You are a student. You can only accept an invitation to a meeting from
your teacher. You should ask what kind of meeting, when and where the
meeting will be held.
You are a boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You should invite your
girlfriend/boyfriend to have dinner at your house with your family. You
decide when you will have the dinner.
You are boyfriend/girlfriend of someone. You can only accept invitation
from your girlfriend/boyfriend to have dinner at her/his house with
her/his family. You ask when you will have the dinner.
a. You are a grandmother/grandfather. You invite your grandchild to come to your 50th wedding anniversary party. You decide when and where the wedding anniversary party will be held.
b. You are a grandchild. You can only accept invitation from your grandmother/grandfather to go to her/his 50th wedding
anniversary party. You cannot accept other invitation except that. You
ask when and where the wedding anniversary party will be held.
Purwokerto, 21-05-2013
Bambang Priska K.
Jumat, 31 Januari 2014
Dari Hati
Club Eighties
Andai engkau tahu
bila menjadi aku, sejuta rasa di hati
Lama t'lah kupendam, tapi akan kucoba mengatakan
Ku ingin kau menjadi milikku
entah bagaimana caranya
Lihatlah mataku, untuk memintamu
Ku ingin jalani bersamamu
coba dengan sepenuh hati
ku ingin jujur, apa adanya dari hati
Kini engkau tahu
aku menginginkanmu, tapi tak kan kupaksakan
Dan kupastikan kau belahan hati, bila milikku
Menarilah bersamaku
dengan bintang-bintang
Sambutlah diriku
untuk memelukmu
Andai engkau tahu
bila menjadi aku, sejuta rasa di hati
Lama t'lah kupendam, tapi akan kucoba mengatakan
Ku ingin kau menjadi milikku
entah bagaimana caranya
Lihatlah mataku, untuk memintamu
Ku ingin jalani bersamamu
coba dengan sepenuh hati
ku ingin jujur, apa adanya dari hati
Kini engkau tahu
aku menginginkanmu, tapi tak kan kupaksakan
Dan kupastikan kau belahan hati, bila milikku
Menarilah bersamaku
dengan bintang-bintang
Sambutlah diriku
untuk memelukmu
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